Good Day ZK Astronauts. Have you participated in ZKSpace meme contest.

07 Oct 2022, 04:02
Good Day ZK Astronauts Have you participated in ZKSpace meme contest? If you haven't don't forget to join the contest because today is the last day of it, and you can earn up to 2 rewards, details below: 📌 How to participate Make a Meme about ZNS Drop your meme in the comment section, here Drop the link of your comment & wallet address, here 📌 Rules & Rewards: Reward 1: All participants get a WL. (Include users for Rewards 2 &3) Reward 2: Users of TOP 10 most liked memes get 200 ZKS per person. (User with more than 1 meme that meets the criteria will only be rewarded once) Reward 3: Another 30 randomly picked users will receive one FREE 5+ character .zks name per person. (Winners from Reward 2 will NOT be considered for Reward 3) Important Notes: 1. ONLY memes in the comment section are under consideration. 2. ONLY WL holders are eligible for buying & registering .zks domain names. Have a nice day 😊